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Chinese and Western Scholars Forum on the Frontiers of Language Cognitive Science|Language Cognitive Science Research and Application Workshop (First Phase) - Eye-Tracking Experiment Techniques

time:2023-11-14 views:

Date: November 24-26, 2023

Location: Beijing Language and Culture University

I. Introduction

Center for the Cognitive Science of Language (CCSL) of Beijing Language and Culture University/Key Laboratory of Language Cognitive Science under the Ministry of Education/Language Cognitive Science Research Institute is an internationally open scientific research institution with a focus on language cognitive science, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education through the "Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Program." The research areas primarily revolve around Chinese second language acquisition and cognition, language cognitive neuroscience, and language cognition and neuromorphic research. The base is dedicated to research, academic exchange, and technical training in the field of language cognitive science, aiming to promote the development of the discipline.

II. Workshop Content

Eye-tracking technology is a crucial tool in cognitive neuroscience research related to language and reading. It provides researchers with a unique perspective to gain insights into human visual and auditory perception and cognitive processes. By monitoring an individual's eye movements during reading and language comprehension, we can reveal the dynamic processes of language processing. The advantages of eye-tracking technology include non-invasiveness, high spatiotemporal resolution, and accuracy. Compared to traditional self-report methods, eye-tracking can capture participants' unconscious attentional biases and reaction times, providing more objective data.

In this workshop, we will explore the latest research developments in eye-tracking technology within the field of language cognitive science and provide professional training on eye-tracking techniques. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the principles, applications, data collection, and analysis methods of eye-tracking technology.

Ⅲ.Special Features of this Workshop

  • Close interaction and discussion with academic experts

  • Mastering classic language cognitive research paradigms and staying updated on the latest developments

  • Beginner-friendly, from entry level to mastery

  • Flexible options between graphical and programming interfaces

  • Hands-on teaching, simultaneous learning and practice

  • Opportunities for practical exercises, ready to apply the learned knowledge in real-world scenarios

IV. Organizer

Center for the Cognitive Science of Language, Beijing Language and Culture University

V. Dates and Format

Date: November 24-26, 2023 (November 24 for academic presentations, November 25-26 for eye-tracking technology training).

Format: Academic presentation modules can be attended either online or in-person, while eye-tracking technology training is available only in-person.

Ⅵ. Schedule

1.Academic Presentation Module Schedule (November 24)

Date: November 24(Friday)

08:30–10:00: Subject to be determined

10:00–11:30: Journey to the East:Towards a complete model of reading

11:30–13:00: Lunch and break

13:00–14:30: A study on perceptual span in sentence reading

14:30–16:00: Understanding the brain through the eyes - eye movements and brain diseases

16:00–16:10: Coffee break

16:10–17:40: Using eye movements and EEG to understand ageing effects on reading

2. Eye-Tracking Technology Training Module Schedule (November 25-26)

This EyeLink eye-tracking technology training features instruction by Dr. Zhiguo Wang, a former senior scientist at SR Research (headquartered in Canada) and a researcher at the Zhejiang University Center for Psychological Studies. The schedule is as follows:

Date: November 25 (Saturday)

08:30–10:00: Basics and principles of eye-tracking technology

10:00–10:10: Coffee break

10:10–11:40: Experiment Builder programming and examples

11:40–13:00: Lunch and break

13:00–14:30: Data Viewer data analysis introduction

14:30–14:40: Coffee break

14:40–16:30: Data Viewer data analysis hands-on

16:30–17:30: Q&A

Date: November 26 (Sunday)

08:30–10:00: Synchronous recording of eye-tracking and EEG data, EyeLink programming interface E-Prime examples

10:00–10:10: Coffee break

10:10–11:40: Basics of MATLAB/Python

11:40–13:00: Lunch and break

13:00–14:30: EyeLink programming interface MATLAB/PsychoPy examples

14:30–17:30: EyeLink eye-tracker hands-on, lab tour, Q&A (conducted in groups),Visualworldparadigm

  • Recommended reading: Wang, Z. (2021). Eye-tracking with Python and Pylink. Springer International Publishing.

  • Download PDF at: [link]( (requires access to the university library database).

Ⅶ. Training Fees

1. Registration fee for Academic Presentation Module: ¥600 per person; full-time students: ¥400 per person. The registration fee includes materials and lunch; other expenses are not covered.

2. Registration fee for Eye-Tracking Technology Training Module: ¥2000 per person. The registration fee includes materials and lunch; other expenses are not covered.

3. Registration fee for both Academic Presentation Module and Eye-Tracking Technology Training Module: ¥2600 per person; full-time students: ¥2400 per person. The registration fee includes materials and lunch; other expenses are not covered.

Ⅷ. Registration and Payment

1.Prospective participants should fill out the registration form (available through the QR code) and send it to with the email subject "Organization + Name + Eye-Tracking Workshop Registration."

2.Workshop Payment Method: Through bank remittance

The specific remittance information is as follows:

Name: Beijing Language University

Account number: 0200006209089106391

Bank number: 102100000626

Bank branch: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Beijing Dongsheng Road Branch

Taxpayer Identification Number: 12100000400883084R

Address: 15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Please indicate on the remittance: Eye-tracking Workshop for CCSL + Name

Ⅸ. Notes

1. After successful payment of the registration fee, refunds will not be provided for personal reasons if unable to attend as scheduled.

2. Students include doctoral students, master's students, and undergraduate students, with the requirement to provide student identification. Postdoctoral researchers are not classified as students.

3.Invoice will be issued by default in electronic form, and will be sent to the designated email address of the student as soon as possible after the completion of the workshop.

4.After completing the workshop, participants will be awarded the Training Certificate of Eye-Tracking Workshop forCCSL,or a certificate of attendance.

5.To facilitate the learning and hands-on training of eye-tracking technology for students, we will arrange 1 hour of assistance for software installation on the morning and afternoon of November 24th.

6. Participants are advised to bring a Windows-based laptop. If necessary, an Apple computer may be used, but it is recommended to use Bootcamp to install a Windows operating system.

Ⅹ. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the workshop, please contact:

Contact Person: Ms. Ren


Phone: 010-82303797