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Researchers of the CCSL Center was Invited to Attend the Donders Neuroimaging Tool-kit in Netherland

time:2019-11-04 views:

On September 1st to 7th, 2019, Professor Jianqin Wang and Dr. Yanjun Wei from the Center attended the 2019 Donders Neuroimaging Technology Workshop hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. This conference was to introduce various mainstream technologies in the field of neuroimaging, whose theme was in line with the main research directions of our center and laboratory.

The workshop mainly included the following in detail: 1) Introduction of current mainstream experimental technology (EEG/ERP/MEG/PET/fMRI) taught by Professor Peter Hagoort, Director of the Netherlands Organizer Center; 2) Principles of experimental technology, covering EEG/MEG signal processing theory, cranial nerve oscillation principle, TDCS/TMS experimental technique principle, Two-photon imaging technology principle, biophysical basis of BOLD signal, fMRI principle, structural MRI principle, brain function connection, etc.; 3) Data analysis technology including cutting-edge processing methods such as ERP / ERF data and traceability analysis, fMRI experimental design and data conversion and analysis technology, and the application demonstration of fNIRS experimental technology. It wad mainly based on the explanation of technical principles and supplemented by practical operations. Nearly 10 well-known experts were invited to make academic reports, comprehensive in content and reasonable in structure, and explain the problems of neuroimaging technology from different modes. Professor Wang and Dr. Wei exchanged ideas with a number of peers and introduced the center and laboratory to the participating scholars.

During the conference, Professor Wang and Dr. Wei and Professor Peter Hagoort, Director of the Dutch Max Planck Institute for Psycho-linguistics, exchanged views on the cooperation and visited the EEG/MEG/TMS/MRI laboratory of the center to acquire detailed knowledge of the experiment, which benefited them a lot.