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Introduction to the General Visiting Scholars Program at CCSL

time:2023-06-20 views:

General Visiting Scholars Program for Domestic Scholars at the Language and Cognitive Science Discipline Innovative Talent Introduction Base

To promote academic exchanges between universities and cultivate outstanding talents in the field of language and cognitive science, the Language and Cognitive Science Discipline Innovative Talent Introduction Base at Beijing Language University is launching the recruitment for the 2023-2024 academic year's General Visiting Scholars Program for domestic scholars. The specific application process and requirements are as follows:

I. Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applicants should possess good political and ideological qualities, a strong sense of dedication, and excellent professional ethics.

  2. Generally, applicants should be in-service teachers at universities with a senior professional and technical title, or outstanding lecturers with a master's degree or above.

  3. Applicants should have a solid theoretical foundation and professional knowledge, the ability to independently engage in teaching and research work, clear goals for the visit, and the ability to fulfill the visit tasks as required.

II. Training Methods and Requirements

  1. The program follows a mentorship system, where each visiting scholar will be assigned a mentor.

  2. The visiting scholar should ensure the duration of the visit, which is typically one year.

  3. After admission, the visiting scholar should collaborate with the mentor to develop a visit and research plan.

  4. The visiting scholar should submit at least one academic paper or research report each semester and deliver an academic presentation within the research group to report on their work. Upon completion of the visit, the visiting scholar should submit a comprehensive annual summary, including research and achievements, complete the "Assessment Form for Domestic Visiting Scholars," and receive the "Certificate for Domestic Visiting Scholars" after approval by the mentor and the base.

III. Mentor for the Visit

Please refer to Annex 1 for the mentor and research topic details.

IV. Application Process

  1. The applicant should communicate with the mentor in advance and complete two copies of the "Application Form for Domestic Visiting Scholars" (see Annex 2). After obtaining approval from the home institution, the application form should be mailed to the Language and Cognitive Science Discipline Innovative Talent Introduction Base at Beijing Language University.

  2. Upon approval from the mentor and the base, the base will issue an official admission notice. The applicant should complete the registration procedures at the university within the designated time. Failure to report on time will result in automatic withdrawal from the program.

V. Fee Structure

Training Fee: 20,000 RMB per year

VI. Application Timeline

From now until August 1, 2023

VII. Notes

  1. Any fraudulent behavior or falsification discovered during the application process will result in the immediate disqualification of the applicant from the visiting scholar program.

  2. The Language and Cognitive Science Discipline Innovative Talent Introduction Base at Beijing Language University does not cover expenses such as tuition fees, accommodation, salary, travel expenses, or medical costs for domestic visiting scholars.

  3. Applicants with health conditions that are not suitable for long-term off-campus learning and collective living (e.g., pregnancy, infectious diseases, or mental illnesses) will not be accepted.

  4. Visiting scholars should make their own accommodation arrangements during their visit to the university.

  5. If there are any unforeseen circumstances or adjustments to the application and registration arrangements due to uncontrollable factors, the base will promptly issue notifications. Applicants are advised to stay updated through the base's official WeChat account or website.

VIII. Contact Information

Contact Person: Zhang (Beijing Language University Language and Cognitive Science Discipline Innovative Talent Introduction Base)

Mailing Address: Room 1104, New Comprehensive Building, 15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Postal Code: 100086

Phone: 010-82303797