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Center for the Cognitive Science of Language's 2023 National Summer Camp for Outstanding College Students Enrollment Brochure

time:2023-06-10 views:

To enhance the understanding of outstanding college students nationwide in the interdisciplinary field of "Language Cognitive Science," promote communication among these students, and provide opportunities for interaction with experts in the field, the Language Cognitive Science Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Base at Beijing Language University will organize the 2023 National Summer Camp for Outstanding College Students on July 7-8, 2023. We are now recruiting participants from universities across the country, including our own students.

I. Introduction to the Base

The Language Cognitive Science Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Base at Beijing Language University is an internationally recognized and open scientific research institution with language cognitive science as its disciplinary construction goal. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education's "Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Program," the base focuses on research areas such as second language acquisition and cognition, language cognitive neuroscience, and cognitive linguistics and neurolinguistics.

The base features a world-class team of international scholars, consisting of scholars from top-ranked universities and research institutions worldwide. Currently, the base has attracted more than ten international academic masters and backbone scholars who are world-renowned and highly influential in the international academic community. The domestic scholar team comprises well-known scholars, professors, associate professors, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows. These two teams jointly guide graduate students in the field of language cognitive science, aiming to cultivate high-end talents with international academic perspectives, interdisciplinary compatibility, and teaching and research capabilities.

The base aims to achieve disciplinary innovation by promoting interdisciplinary integration and fusion between linguistics, cognitive science, and neuroscience, establishing a new interdisciplinary field called "Language Cognitive Science." Language Cognitive Science is a secondary discipline under the primary discipline of Chinese Language and Literature. The base not only recruits master's students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows in the field of "Language Cognitive Science" but also recruits master's students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows in the field of "Linguistics and Applied Linguistics."

The Language Cognitive Science Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Base possesses comprehensive hardware and software conditions for experimental research. The base's "Language Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory" is equipped with an eye-tracking lab, speech lab, EEG/ERP lab, and fNIRS lab. The base has talented personnel who are proficient in brain imaging techniques such as fMRI, MEG, and fNIRS. By establishing an international and open language cognitive science laboratory, the base provides a solid research foundation to serve the national strategies of scientific and technological development and Chinese language dissemination.

Recently, the "Key Laboratory of Language Cognitive Science (Beijing Language University)," led by the Language Cognitive Science Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Base, has been approved for construction. The Key Laboratory, supported by the Ministry of Education, will provide a new and powerful guarantee for the base's innovative graduate student training model and the improvement of graduate student training quality.

II. Program Introduction

Language Cognitive Science is the first cognitive science discipline established by Beijing Language University in China. It combines language acquisition, language cognition, and brain science to explore the behaviors and neural mechanisms of language acquisition and cognition among Chinese language learners using new technologies and methods from cognitive science research.

Language Cognitive Science is an important research field that emerged from the intersection of six supporting disciplines in cognitive science: linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, and anthropology. Its scientific goal is to explore the mechanisms and regularities behind the generation, acquisition, and cognitive development of human language.

The Language Cognitive Science program at the base consists of three research directions: Second Language Acquisition and Cognition of Chinese, Language Cognitive Neuroscience, and Language Cognition and Neuromorphic Research.

As an interdisciplinary field, Language Cognitive Science offers broader prospects for graduates in terms of further education and employment compared to traditional disciplines. Graduates can pursue scientific research and advanced studies in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neurolinguistics, computational linguistics, and other related fields at domestic and international universities and research institutions. They can also engage in teaching and research at Chinese international education institutions at universities, as well as work in educational consulting, eye-tracking, EEG, fNIRS, and other high-end professional and technical training related to language education and artificial intelligence in enterprises and institutions.

III. Eligibility Criteria

Based on the interdisciplinary nature of "Language Cognitive Science," this summer camp primarily seeks outstanding undergraduate students (including those from our university) with majors in Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature, psychology, computer science (including artificial intelligence science and automation), and other related backgrounds.

IV. Summer Camp Schedule

This event will be conducted online. If any campers wish to participate in offline activities on campus, please indicate so in the registration form. The schedule and activities for the summer camp are as follows:

V. Application Requirements

1. Applicants should be outstanding undergraduate students graduating in 2024 from various universities nationwide (including outstanding graduates from our university).

2. Meet the basic requirements for exempting the entrance examination for a master's degree, and are expected to obtain the recommended exemption qualification from their respective universities.

3. Comply with laws and regulations, have good physical and mental health, and demonstrate outstanding character and academic performance.

4. The applicant should have passed all courses in the first to fifth semesters, obtained top rankings in major-related courses and overall qualities within the discipline. The specific ranking will be confirmed by the talent introduction base. Students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in other aspects may have relaxed ranking restrictions.

VI. Application Materials

1. "Application Form for the 2023 National Outstanding University Student Summer Camp at Beijing Language University" (Attachment 1, to be completed and stamped by the applicant's undergraduate department for verification).

2. Scanned copy of the applicant's ID card (both front and back on the same page).

3. Student ID card (information page and pages with registration stamps for each semester).

4. Undergraduate transcript and proof of major ranking (stamped by the university or the academic affairs department of the applicant's department).

5. Proof of foreign language proficiency (such as CET English Level 4 or 6 scores, English major Level 4 scores, or test scores from TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, etc.).

6. Additional materials (awards, papers, research achievements, etc. If none, this item can be omitted).

Applicants must carefully fill out the above materials with truthful and accurate information. Scan the original documents of items 1 to 6 and consolidate them into one PDF file named "Full Name of the University - Applicant's Name - Applied Major - 2023 Summer Camp Application Materials." The subject of the email should be "Name + 2023 National Outstanding University Student Summer Camp Application Materials." The original documents of the materials should be provided for verification during online registration.

VII. Application Procedure

1. Online application: Applicants should send the above materials to the following email address:

2. Online application period: From now until July 1, 2023.

3. Eligibility review and announcement of the list: The talent introduction base will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the submitted materials and determine the list of participants for the summer camp. The list of participants will be published on the official website of the Graduate School of Beijing Language University.

VIII. Assessment and Outstanding Performances

During the summer camp activities, the Innovative Talent Introduction Base of Cognitive Science at Beijing Language University will conduct comprehensive assessments of the campers through various methods. Based on the application materials and performance during the camp, "Outstanding Campers" will be selected and the list will be announced on the official website of the Graduate School of Beijing Language University.

IX. Support Policy for "Outstanding Campers"

1. "Outstanding Campers" who qualify for the recommended admission to graduate programs in their respective universities in 2024 and apply for our university's recommended admission must apply for the same major as announced for "Outstanding Campers." If there are different exam subjects within the major, they must be consistent in both the major and the specific direction. If there are any adjustments to the major or direction names, the "Beijing Language University 2024 Master's Program Catalog" or relevant notices shall prevail. Candidates who meet the above conditions can be directly admitted to our university's 2024 master's program through the recommended admission process without the need for further examinations.

2. "Outstanding Campers" must register and fill out the preference form in the National Recommended Admission Service System and complete the corresponding procedures, such as confirming acceptance, participating in the confirmation interview, and waiting for the admission notice, according to the actual process. Failure to complete the required procedures within the specified time at our university will be considered as voluntarily giving up the qualification as an "Outstanding Camper" at our university.

3. "Outstanding Campers" who did not qualify for the recommended admission are welcome to continue applying for the majors offered by the base during the national unified entrance examination registration.

X. Camp Fees

No fees will be charged.

XI. Special Note

Each applicant can apply for only one training unit and one major at our university. If you have already applied but cannot participate in this summer camp due to special circumstances, please send an email explaining the situation before July 3rd.

XII. Contact Information

1. Contact Persons: Mr. Zhang, Ms. Ren

2. Inquiry Phone: 010-82303797

3. Summer Camp Dedicated Email: