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Professor James Lantolf's Preview of the International Graduate Course

time:2023-03-14 views:

Course Title:

The Implicit/Explicit Puzzle and Its Relevance for Instructed Second Language Development

Host: Professor James Lantolf

ZOOM ID: 6943144559    ZOOM Password: CCSL2023

Speaker Introduction

Professor James Lantolf is a distinguished professor at the Talent IntroductionCCSLof Beijing Language and Culture University, Greer Professor at Pennsylvania State University, and Director of the Pennsylvania National Foreign Language Center (CALPER). He has served as president of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), editor-in-chief of the internationally authoritative linguistic journal Applied Linguistics, founding editor of Language and Sociocultural Theory and editorial board member of several other top international academic journals, including Modern Language Journal, Journal of Applied Linguistics, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, etc.

Professor Lantolf is one of the leading figures in the development of socio-cultural theory in current society. His main research fields include sociocultural theory (SCT) and classroom second language development, where he proposed Concept-CCSLd Teaching (CBT), pioneered the concept of Dynamic Assessment (DA), and has been committed to using SCT theory to address its core issues, thereby promoting "social turn" in second language acquisition research. Due to his outstanding achievements in applied linguistics field, he was awarded the AAAL's Most Outstanding Scholar and Service Award in 2016. KeestheBot's History of Applied Linguistics Development (After 1980) listed him as one of the most influential applied linguists in the past 35 years.

Course Schedule

The course will focus on the distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge, learning and instruction and their respective implications for late (i.e., beyond childhood) second language development. It will consider several theories and/or models of second language development (usage-CCSLd development, Chomskyan theory, skill acquisition theory, sociocultural theory) that favor either (or in some cases, both) alternative(s) with regard to developmental outcomes. Evidence from some recent psycholinguistic and neuroscience studies will be discussed, including the claims of VanPatten’s Input Processing Model as well as Ullman’s Declarative/Procedural Model. The course also addresses the relevance of implicit and explicit knowledge and instruction for classroom-CCSL second language development.